Pt Ss Coal Mining Ma Samu

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Churchill Mining Challenges Indonesia on Coal Discovery on. Churchill Mining moved toward taking Indonesia to international arbitration, saying the U.K. company was unfairly stripped of a multibillion-dollar coal discovery in the jungles of Borneo. ICSID tribunal dismisses claims brought against Indonesia


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Coal Mining TRAM

Coal Mining: Operation Period: 5 Years (2014 to 2019) Location: Berau Coal : Lati and Binungan Site, Berau, East Kalimantan: Contract Period: 2013 to 2019 (as February 2019, contract had been extended until March 2025)


Pt Palapa Sakti Coal Mining hedde-siero

Pt Ss Coal Mining Ma Samu. 2 kideco jaya agung pt blok samu biu 3 bumi gunung emas pt 4 berau coal areal lati pt 5 mahakam bara energi pt 6 nusantara kaltim coal pt 7 unggul pratama sakti pt 8 skkmigasacg south bengara ii pte ltd 9 s e nyi u rk s pat m t 10 samudra hindia jaya pt 1 r aj ib x n pt 12 s an tb ub r pt 13 kaltim nusantara coal pt.


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PT. Batubaraselaras Sapta The owner of mine with 39,010 ha

BATUBARASELARAS SAPTA. Batubara Selaras Sapta (PT. BSS) the owner of mine with 68,360 ha of land in the province of East Kalimantan, which is home to the bulk of Indonesia’s minable coal reserves. Indonesian coal is favoured internationally for its superior environmental and production properties.


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